Our Services. Our Impact.

  • Stephanie Watt, codirector of Metalude, and 2 kids are talking on the grass. A bunch of cardboard boxes behind on the children. During the Pop-Up on the Well event.

    Child and youth engagement and public participation

    Metalude designs, organizes, facilitates and analyzes public engagement and consultations with children and young people.

    Involving children and youth in the decisions that affect them makes for better, more equitable decisions. What’s more, authentic engagement can foster a sense of belonging to the community.

    Here are some examples of subjects we can consult children and young people on: urban and territorial planning, mobility, housing, the ecological transition, public spaces, including streets and parks, and municipal programming.

  • A child runs with spray bottle in his hands. During the Pop-Up on the Well event.

    Play in Public Space/Playable Public Space

    A neighbourhood that centres play is a great place to live!

    We can help you plan for play in public spaces, whether you are working on a street, a park, a neighbourhood or a municipality.

    Our consultancy service and play audits can help you design a public space, create design guidelines, choose play structures, create outdoor programming or measure the success, use and playability of a public space.

  • A clipboard with papers flying in the wind on the grass. During the youth engagement on the Placette Marcelin-Wilson in Ahuntsic-Cartierville.

    Public Spaces & Public Life Studies

    To better act on public spaces, we need to know them!

    Our studies of life in public space reveal the characteristics, uses and dynamics of public space, whether a public square, a street, a park or a riverside.

    These studies are not limited to children and teenagers, but the nuances we bring to our understanding of their needs sets us apart.

  • Margaret Fraser & Stephanie Watt, Metalude' cofounders and codirectors, pose in a green alleyway.

    Facilitation and Consulting

    Creating inclusive municipalities and communities for children and young people often requires spatial, social and organizational changes.

    The only way to bring about these changes is for your municipality to contribute its knowledge, its strengths and its teams.

    Metalude can facilitate and support this process for the well-being of your community.